Digital Fingerprinting,
Biometrics & Background Check
Live scan fingerprinting is the process of capturing fingerprints electronically with our advanced Live Scan machine. With Live Scan fingerprinting, there is no ink or card. Your fingerprints are “rolled” across a glass plate and scanned. It is faster, cleaner and more accurate than the old ink and roll method.
We provide convenient, fast and accurate Live Scan fingerprinting services. Whether you are required to be fingerprinted by a government agency or for employment, our trained Enrollment Agents will ensure that your paperwork is in order, take your fingerprints, process the request and have you on your way in no time!
We provide Live Scan fingerprinting services for a wide variety of state agencies, programs and industries including:
Attorneys and Legal Workers
Banking, Child Care
Construction Industry Licensing
Firearm Permits
Financial Services
Health Care
Human Services
Management Services
Mortgage Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Real Estate
Social Services
State Employment
All applicants must present one of the following forms of identification in order to be fingerprinted.
The State of Maryland does not allow any exception to this rule:
MD driver’s license or driver license issued issued by another state
United States passport or unexpired foreign passport.
Certificate of United States citizenship or naturalization.
Alien registration card.
United States Military identification card.
Identification issued by state or local Government.
All fingerprinting comes with a background check.
Request Type
Adult Dependent Care
Attorney Client
Child Care - Full
Child Care - Volunteer
Criminal Justice
Gold Seal / Adoption
Gold Seal / Visa
Government Employment - State Only
Government Employment - State & FBI
Government Licensing - State
Government Licensing - State & FBI
Immigration / Visa
Individual Review
Individual Challenge
Private Employer Petition
Public Housing Authority
Department of Juvenille Service
MSP Licensing - Handgun
MSP Licensing - Security Guard
MSP Licensing - Firearms
MSP Licensing - Security Systems
MSP Licensing - Private Detective Section
MSP Licensing - Special Police
MSP Licensing - Special Police (INK)
Our Fee
Biometrics is the measurement and statistical analysis of people’s unique physical and behavioral characteristics. The technology is mainly used for identification and access control or for identifying individuals who are under surveillance. The basic premise of biometric authentication is that every person can be accurately identified by intrinsic physical or behavioral traits.
So Why Should You Choose Us
Security – We guarantee the safeguarding of your information. Our employees undergo comprehensive background checks and extensive (and recurring) security training to provide you with the highest level of security.
Speed – Our enrollment agents are trained to ensure your paperwork is in order and fingerprints are captured quickly so that you can get on your way. Our Center is equipped with Live Scan systems to ensure quality fingerprints. Results are returned in a matter of days rather than weeks.
Accuracy – We benefit from the latest technologies for speed and precision. Our staff is measured on their accuracy to ensure maximum efficiency and convenience.
Professionalism – Our staff receives on-going training to manage the entire process with professionalism from the moment your appointment is booked.
Convenience – Walk-ins Welcome!